Biographical Sketch
Akash Shankaran
Masters Awarded 2013
Hometown: Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Degrees: BTech Computer Science & Engineering, 2011 SRM University India
Fields of Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Systems, Augmented Reality

Akash Shankaran is a Graduate Research Assistant pursuing a Master of Science degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at The University of Arizona. He holds a B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from SRM University, India. His current research is focused on developing the visualization system using Augmented Reality techniques for the Computer Assisted Surgical Trainer system.

His research interests are in the areas of Computer Graphics, Visualization and System Modeling.

Other fields of interest to him are Distributed Computing, energy efficiency on cloud based systems, hardware software codesign, design of intelligent systems and applications of artificial intelligence.

Among his hobbies, he likes to play basketball, volleyball and engage in outdoor adventure sports. During his leisure time, he enjoys taking a swim at the pool or biking around Tucson.